Windows update process "hung"

Win 8.1 Pro

Member of server 2012R2 domain

Updates managed by WSUS

The system is a Surface2. I have the update window up  for 26 hours showing "Preparing to install...". "Stop Installation" says it requires administrative rights but the user account has administrator rights. I rebooted the system but it comes back up at the same place. How do I terminate the install.

October 17th, 2014 9:01am

Check event viewer and see whether there is any error or warning listed there.

Try check for update and select some of them and install them and then restart your PC and install others.

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October 17th, 2014 2:12pm

Nothing in event viewer. I went to services and "Stopped" wuauserv and that cleared it. I rebooted and the updates were applied, as usual
October 17th, 2014 3:08pm

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